Questionnaire for Potential Farmer Scholarship Program

Hello Everyone!

Going to Seed is considering creating a famer scholarship program to help production farmers (i.e., anyone growing food to sell) transition to landrace methods and we are seeking more information about the needs of farmers within our community. If you are a production farmer and this is something you are interested in, please take a moment to fill out this questionnaire.

If you have further questions feel free to reach out to me or ask in the comments.

Thank you!


I have a friend who produces seed crops and is interested in landracing, is this something I could send to her, or are we keeping it just for folks on here?

We don’t have money yet, so it’s information gathering at this point, feel free to share the questionnaire and also the courses and community which are all free and can be accessed at It would be great to have more farmers in the community!

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@AaronB @Skot