Seeking Seed Library/ Seed Saving 10 minute presentations

The Australian Seed Savers quarterly national hookup (online) is seeking some international input. We would love some fresh ideas or just see how others are doing it. We are looking for 10 minute or so presentations, followed by some Q&A. Very informal and relaxed. I’ve already covered landrace/breeding projects, so we are looking for general presentations about seed libraries and seed saving/sharing communities. We have considerable diversity in the level of participation and organising here, so all communities from tiny to huge are of interest to us.
We reckon North American folks might find our 1800hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time a bit challenging, but perhaps the UK or Europe or Asia might work. (= 0100am PacificST, or 0900am in the UK). next hookup in August.
If you help out at a seed sharing organisation I would love to hear from you.
message me.
cheers, gm.

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