"square feet to square meter" and related maters

(edit : should be moved to resource hub I believe)

Hi . This is more of a draft sheet to make the website easy to read for everybody…
And by everybody I mean independantly of where we live.

I see that editing a sheet (or whatever tool…) could be useful to further our exchanges as, me coming from a european, and a french point of view, it is hard understanding what a square feet could be, what a gallon could be, what could look like a “USDA 8” growing condition, and what that even means, what a “hoe” looks like, etc. It is much more than getting that in UK they drive on the left side, it is many things like that which make things difficult to understand. If things sound similar to my native language (like fork sounds like “fourche” in french) I am fine, otherwise I am lost!

Short list (to be edited):

  • surface equivalences (1 square meter = 10 square ffet if I am right…)
  • volume equivalences
  • price equivalences (ex 1€ = 1USdollar, more or less, but there are many more currencies… )
  • hardiness zone equivalence (with maps… )
  • garden tools, as all words very specific, would be easily understood if we could add a drawing or a photo in front of a list of tools. Otherwise, like in the past when we did collective zoom calls, on top of the difficulty we have to understand english/american language when it is not our native, we get lost 100% with specific terms… I still don’t know what “ploughing” could be, as I have a fair sense of what “tilling” is, but don’t get the nuance… but when it comes to the tens of words like that, including volumes and surface measurements I am lost! Surely the case for many, when it happens.

Here we could just imagine what would be useful for everyone. Spreadsheet or whatever, easy to access to get the equivalences.

Oups, I forgot the best of the best : temperatures !!!


Temperatures and to some extent weights are the main hurdles for me. Australia completed the conversion to SI units in 1972.

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Before surfaces,I forgot about distances:
Foot, inch. Rather unclear to me

I use online converters for this type:

for USDA areas, it is also used in Europe you can find this type of map:

But in view of climate change, this climatic division has less and less value. Last night at midnight it was 12°C so very hot for the season, and this morning on awakening 5 cm of snow and 0°C :roll_eyes:

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I found this chart that could be helpful as far as some of the measurements go.

Here’s a website with a list of some gardening tools and their picture: https://www.thecelticfarm.com/names-of-gardening-tools/

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And temps :slight_smile: :

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I usually use my browser address bar. You can type “50C to F” or “10mm to in” and the browser will search for that conversion for you. If you use Google search, it will bring up a conversion area for you to continue converting more numbers if you need.

yes it’s even faster since the explorer converter opens automatically with the right numbers in it :thermometer: