Long keeping Cucumber LR

I’ve grown Cucumbers. Normally i hardly manage to grow a descent crop, but this was a good year. Thanks @ThomasPicard for insisting trying them.
It was great fun! Hairy or completely white, looking like dinosaur eggs, and quite normal ones.
At first i was a bit hesitant to try them as they were so different to what i’m used to. But i’ve gotten into the mode of cooking with them, as their taste is stronger i add them to the cooking rice last minute, stir fry them in eggs, or keep them overnight in a bowl of water.

They’re starting to go out now, but i think i’ve had them stored on my kitchen table for two month. I could have kept them on the plants, but grew them in the hoop house and needed the space. I think if i would have kept them on the plant and stored unheated after they would have stored until Januari.



So the Sikkim variety is a LR from India or thereabouts. They have this beautiful coarse melon like skin. Brilliant for keeping moisture in.

They’ve crossed with others i hope.

I’m planning to select for longer keeping ones. Prices are mad up in the shops and with all the war waging in the middle east could have easily doubled by next year.

If somebody wants to grow these out in Europe region or has good genes to add. Welcome.

Bon appetit