I’ve grown Cucumbers. Normally i hardly manage to grow a descent crop, but this was a good year. Thanks @ThomasPicard for insisting trying them.
It was great fun! Hairy or completely white, looking like dinosaur eggs, and quite normal ones.
At first i was a bit hesitant to try them as they were so different to what i’m used to. But i’ve gotten into the mode of cooking with them, as their taste is stronger i add them to the cooking rice last minute, stir fry them in eggs, or keep them overnight in a bowl of water.
They’re starting to go out now, but i think i’ve had them stored on my kitchen table for two month. I could have kept them on the plants, but grew them in the hoop house and needed the space. I think if i would have kept them on the plant and stored unheated after they would have stored until Januari.