Does anyone know of it is possible to get Carol Deppe’s seeds on Europe? Or does anyone have any to share? I am especially after the corn seeds, the different manna and cascade seeds, but also landmark, goldini and Homestead Rainbow Grex. I have been able to find Cascade ruby gold and some of the bean seeds in ireland. But not anything else.
Here is another site in addition to Brown Envelope Seeds. But I think not much as to what you were looking for.
But a good site nevertheless, I’ve ordered from them before.
I have a newly purchased packet of Goldini II from the US… I can see how many seeds are in there and send you a very small amount. Or I’ll multiply them this year and have many more to share.
I also have plenty of CD’s Sweet Meat Oregon Homestead (c. Maxima) and Beefy Resilient Grex via Polarca.