I was MIND BLOWN when I found out you Could Hybridize Radish with Kale! 2 Completly Differen genera can Hybridize and thus Introduce New Genetics into either Radish or Brassica Landraces. The Cross makes a new Genus, the Brassicoraphanus genus.
This was discovered because a Soviet Agronomist Georgi Dimitrievich Karpenchenko made it happen using Raphanus sativus and Brassica oleracea. F1 Hybrids were mostly sterile but a few made true seeds giving rise to the allopolypolid hybrid Brassicoraphanus.
Lots of intergeneric hybrids (Cross between 2 different genera) were made via Embryo Resque and Chemically Induced Doubling of Chromosomes. Used Specifcally when Fertile Crosses aren’t Produced. But It doesn’t seem like Georgi did any of that.
Check out the Researchgate link and Tell me what you think!
Here is the Hybridization Triangle with Raphanus and Brassica
and This right here shows you that B. carnita, B, juncea, and B. napus are all just hybrids. Useful to understand how Brassica Species Cross!
This is all possible because the 2 Genera are Closely related in a Phylogenic Tree (Both Genera belong to the same Tribe Brassicaea)
Also Related in this Tribe are the Following Genera
- Sinapis alba (White Mustard)
- Rhamphospermum nigrum (Black Mustard, Formerly Brassica nigra)(Already Proven Crossable with other Brassica Spp. in the Cross Triangle Images)
- Hirschfeldia incana (Horary Mustard, formerly Brassica geniculata)
- AND IF I’M NOT MISTAKEN Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) Should also be able to cross but Please Somebody School my ass on that one or politely correct me, I’m good with either method.
Here is Brassicaceae Phylogeneic Tree
I think you can buy Brassicoraphanus seeds somewhere. Now that the genetic bridge was made, genetic information can travel between Brassica and Raphanus thanks to the hybrid. Think about all the New Vegetables that can be bred because of this! MIND FOOKIN BLOWN.
OH I also Forgot to add, All Parts of Brassica and Raphanus are edible. Doesn’t matter the species, every part is edible raw or cooked of both Mustard and Radish. This includes the Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Seedpods, Roots, Young Tender Shoots/Stems, Microgreens, etc. Just not all are mild, lots of them like Brassica nigra are very hot! but still edible and healthy for you!