Going to Seed Podcast: Shane Simonsen talks to Thulahn about Domesticating Silverweed

Hi Everyone
I am very happy to announce the first episode of the Going to Seed podcast with me at the helm. I am hoping to talk to plant breeders all around the world, working on orphan and novel crop domestication projects (or seriously thinking about starting one soon).
In the first episode Thulahn from the UK talks about his project to breed silverweed (Argentina anserina), a wild woodland perennial in the rose/apple family with edible starchy roots.
Hope you enjoy, and open to suggestions for possible guests or ways to improve the show.


Looking forward to the next episode already! Thank you Shane and Thulann for the great info and story surrounding this obscure weed i always step on and mow over by the side of the road. Excellent to find it has the potential to be the next carrot and feed the world. Great indeed we can all get involved. I’ll have to send seed now and dig one up to check on it’s roots!

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If everyone who has access to some digs it up and looks at the tuber, we stand a good chance of finding one with abnormally large storage roots. Even if you don’t, pot it up and you’ll get some nice roots to harvest in the autumn.


I hope this is it. It’s not very silvery. A bit higher up hill i’ve seen silvery leaved one. It’s very rocky where they grow. It breaks easily. But there’s some decent root size maybe.
I’ll pot them up. See what happens

And the roots…

I don’t think they’re Common Silverweed. Common Silverweed has very distinctive feathery leaves

I’m not sure what these are actually, they certainly have five lobed leaves so it might be a type of Potentilla (Cinquefoil) which is related to Silverweed.

I’d encourage you to use the iNaturalist app which will help you identify this plant.

Yes it’s Potentilla reptans - Wikipedia I think

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